For a mother of the son of tumbuh-kembang every stage including the development of a baby 8 months it is not to be missed. Did the mother that at the age of 8 months, a baby is experiencing so many remarkable developments if we miss. A child's growth and development is important for supervised and cared for by us as parents. With more to spend some time together in the age like this, we can build emotional relationship with the children and also observe if there are health problems connected with tumbuh-kembangnya. In this article we will discuss about what are the things you can encounter if paying attention to the development of a baby 8 months and also examples of good food is consumed at this age.
Learn about the development of a good 8 months Baby
Growing and raising a child in principle vary although occurring in the same time range. Tumbuh-kembang is influenced by a variety of things other than health itself, the intake of good nutrition and also stimulus or stimulation of the right parents. For it is important for us to know these stages in order to appropriately provide the stimulus to help the process of tumbuh-kembang the children.
Learning to sit, crawl and stand
Usually at the age of 6 months a baby is able to sit alone and this will be makin good when the child age 8 months. 8 month old babies usually are able to sit without having to hold it again on us or objects around. Even at the age of 8 months, a baby will begin to learn to crawl if you leave it sit on the floor or a mattress. In addition to running with crawling, baby development 8 months which also ought to be assessed is the desire to learn to stand.
It can be doing himself loh! You are trying to pay attention, at age 8-9 months, a child will attempt to hold the objects around her and trying to stand on its own. In addition, you can also do a stimulation by way of positioning the child in the edge of the sofa or Chair, then he will try to hold the weight of his body to the sofa to remain standing. It is important for you to note, especially for the safety of the baby. At this age, the need to prevent them from glassware and leave them alone without supervision.
The development of the next 8 months baby it is important to note in addition to the ability to sit, crawl and stand is the ability of hands in grasping objects in the vicinity. At this age, a baby 8 months already able to grab objects either by his own desires or you provide by using both hands. At this time our children's hands will be very active, in addition to trying to achieve something, he would seek any grasping that he received, he would be adept at squeezing the soft materials or food that you place into his grasp.
At this age, other than because she can already sit well you could teach them to start enjoying the food itself. Here's how you can buy a package of special chairs and tables that can be used by a baby to eat. After sitting in the Chair, put your baby's food bowl and let him enjoy his food and don't forget to stick to demonstrate how to consume the food properly.
The pronunciation is unclear
You certainly often interfere with infants less than 8 months with mention of strange languages like "nananana or papapapa" and so on. In addition because they will follow you, at the age of this kind of a baby will normally issue the words over and over again without any sense of meaning.
Excellent vision
You certainly know that the sight of a child at birth is far from a perfect 100%, they need time to process of growth is also the development of the eyeball to see well. At the age of 8 months, a child already has a vision as good as normal adults in terms of clarity and perception of the room. Although the sight distance away still more perfect vision but they are already good enough to recognize people and do oreientasi room that often he saw.
Emotional bond
In addition to the physical growth and development as already described above, a child has experienced the development of psychologically or mentally. The development of a baby 8 months you can see mentally is a sense of empathy towards the surrounding environment. This is shown when he saw someone crying, then they will also join the cry.
This emotional bond also applies to you as a parent are mainly a mother especially when you will be separated and have to leave it for a while. At the age of 8 months, a child begins to hard-left alone by his parents especially if left with the other known. If there is such a condition, then as a parent you need to give understanding to calm them down.
Of course you will not explain with words which mengucapakan certainly have yet to fully understand them. When the fruit of the heart start whining and do not want to split up, provide a special time to accompany him, cuddle, read out the story book and put them on. You still need to build a sense of security within the son, by the way still spoke the words that you will be back soon.
Exploration of the object
The development of the next 8 months baby that we discuss is the ability of exploration objects in the form of objects disekelilingnya. A baby at this age will be very easy to shake, hit and drop certain objects particularly objects that attract attention. These objects will be reached with both hands, disposed of or dihempaskan to the floor and will be taken back.
For that reason a baby age 8 months should not be left unattended in an unsafe place, this could give rise to things that were not expected. In addition to providing oversight on the fruit of the heart, we can get around the development of a baby age 8 this month by setting up a special play room that is safe for the fruit out for free to the object or objects.
As already mentioned above, the process of tumbuh-kembang a child depends heavily against the intake of the nutrients he got each day. In addition to the tumbuh-kembang process happens gradually, foods that can be consumed by a baby also stages, both in terms of consistency. In addition to BREAST MILK, baby food menu 8 months that can be consumed at this age is a porridge of milk, bananas, papaya finely pulverized pulverized smooth tomato water, strain and gradually you can give the lips a soft team that added to the egg yolks, chicken, fish and sources other proteins as much as 3 times the tablespoon each meal.
So the article on the development of a baby 8 months we could share this moment. Hopefully useful!
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