Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

A myriad of Dangers to the health of our body

It feels like it's been quite a lot of ads that preach whatever dangers of smoking for the health of the body of perokoknya. However, even with the ads and any notice of the public, many people who still do not understand true about dangers of smoking to health. Clear, smoking will affect the respiratory tract inflammation, be it a cripple defense throat and triggers the appearance of cancer cells. Even aside from breathing smoke, often attacking and crippling other organ functions, such as blood vessels, stomach and pregnancy.

This is the Danger of smoking for the health of the body that Must Beware
Before reading this article any further, you should know that chemical substances contained in cigarette smoke is not limited to enter into the lungs, but also carried away into the body. So it was no surprise when the dangers of smoking does not just involve damage to the respiratory tract, but can also involve other organs. Unfortunately many of the chemicals in cigarettes that have the effect of a uniform network for all that is damaging, destructive and damaging. Then what are the dangers of smoking to health which often happens?

High blood and heart disease
A great many cases of hypertension and heart disease caused by the hazards of smoking. Cigarette smoke contains free radicals that can damage the function of blood vessels in the body, one of which is the cause of chronic inflammation, narrowing in the blood vessels as well as the more the number of fatty deposits in the blood vessels of the holes. All this can lead to increased blood pressure until it reaches high blood disease. When continuing and much of the blood vessels which distributes nutrients to the heart, then the heart attack illness can arise. Even other than heart attacks, other dangers of smoking is the cause of heart failure and heart rhythm abnormalities.

Lung Disease Chronic Obstruction
Did you know that there is one sort of pulmonary disease that is almost exclusive to attack heavy smoker? Yes, chronic obstruction pulmonary disease is caused due to the dangers of smoking the cigarettes smoked by the sufferer. The case of the disease was overwrites normally someone with young since the smoking habit that continued until age 40-50. This disease began to pose at the age of 50 normally gejaa years upwards. The symptom is shortness of breath, chronic cough and sputum production. Any sufferers vulnerable exposed to viral infections and bacterial pneumonia due to his organ function that has already changed a lot. That wretched, the disease is not curable.

The Risk Of Lung Cancer
Did you know that the disease lung cancer lots that have cigarette smoke as its main causes? Cigarette smoke that is inhaled into the respiratory tract will also touch on the lungs. That wretched, there are dangerous free radicals in cigarette smoke, so that exposure to cigarette smoke into the lungs that lasts a long time can change the tissues and the lungs permanently. This change will cause the condition of lung cancer ... Dangers of smoking this one is clearly very detrimental because lung cancer is one of the most dangerous type of cancer and has the potential for spread to other organs.

The Risk Of Stroke
Substances contained in cigarettes, mainly free radicals may trigger damage to blood vessels. One of these could cause damage to the blood vessels of the brain. This is the reason smokers can stroke 50% greater than those who do not smoke. Moreover, smoking can also affect the condition of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Smoking can increase brain aneurysms, a condition where the blood vessels of the brain is thinning and widened. Brain aneurysms make vulnerable brain blood vessel rupture that can cause hemorrhage and death.

Risk of cancer of the mouth, tongue and throat
Cigarette smoke directly irritate the mouth and other airway can cause cancer in the area. Dangers of smoking this one can not be diesepelekan, because most cancers of the tongue, mouth and throat cancer which is very often caused due to smoking. And it is open secret that the cancer is one disease that is difficult to cure.

Chronic Sore Throat
Many smokers who have complained he issued phlegm almost every day, either liquid or viscous sputum. Yes, the dangers of smoking this time is the smoke attack the throat, i.e. chronic inflammation gives rise. One of the symptoms of inflammation that occurs is the discharge of phlegm though not coughing. Another symptom is recurring throat pain, disease recurring tonsil enlargement as well as repeated throat infection. It is commonplace due to smoking have the effect of damaging the respiratory tract defence.

Stomach Acid Rise
Other dangers apart from attacking the lungs is also attacking the stomach organs, that smoking can cause the rising of stomach acid into the esophagus into the throat. The rising of stomach acid is one disease that is quite common and closely related to cigarette smoke. The symptom is that the esophagus was hot, sometimes chest felt tightness and suffocated. In addition to the rising of stomach acid, the dangers of smoking is another incidence of wound or bleeding in the stomach.

Adverse Effect On Pregnancy
Smoking on while pregnant, or pregnant women who inhale cigarette smoke while pregnant had a high risk of giving birth to children who are less healthy. Dangers of smoking this time can attack the condition of pregnancy the mother and the fetus inside. Smoking may cause premature birth (prematurely), the death of a baby in the womb, infants born with low weight, sudden death in infants and may cause permanent damage to a body structure, such as a cleft lip.

Diabetes or Diabetes
Although when seen at a glance of the eye disease diabetes with smoke has no relationship, it turns out that active smoking is conducted on a regular basis can cause diabetes or diabetes. Yes, the active smokers have a risk of developing diabetes by as much as 30-40% higher than those who do not smoke. In addition, sufferers of diabetes, active smoking is ever turned out to be more difficult to lower and regulate blood sugar levels at normal levels.

Sexual Disorders
As it turns out, the danger of smoking not only obtained on the vital organs in the body, but can also attack your sexual life. This is especially true for men. Dangers of smoking in men can cause impotence is a hard cured. Not to mention cigarette smoke ever undertook to affect sperm produced by a man, that is going to have a cell number fewer, less-active movement and a form that is not normal. All of these will impact the occurrence of infertility or not the exuberance of a man.

In addition to the diseases that have been mentioned above, there are still many dangers to the health of a body that has not been mentioned; like can damage bones and teeth, causing inflammation in the joints, aggravating the asthma condition, and may also give rise to a State of premature aging. And in addition to the cancer that was mentioned above, the actual cigarette smoke can cause cancer in any organ due to free radicals that damage cells and tissues in the body section. How, do you still want to sacrifice a bit of Your Pocket money to buy cigarettes that has a myriad of deadly danger? Take courage and took the decision to quit smoking and get back to a healthy future. Hopefully this article opens insights as well as inspire you to reach a better quality of health.

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