Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018

What are the symptoms of HIV in women? Beware of the following

HIV symptoms in women are basically similar to the symptoms of HIV in men. HIV symptoms but these need to be discussed specifically against women because often they do not realize that he had contracted the HIV virus. On a variety of research, it turns out that the HIV virus is not only at risk in women who work as commercial sex workers (PSK) only. It turns out that currently has many housewives are infected with the HIV virus. After investigation, it turned out that most of the housewives of contracting from her husband who had a behavior like another couple. In such situations, women often became innocent victims due to the ignorance of her husband's behavior and not aware of the presence of the HIV virus in his body so late is handled.

Early detection of the symptoms of HIV in women known to be important to break the chain of transmission of the disease. As we know that HIV can be transmitted from the mother through her baby. There are several mechanisms of transmission of HIV from mother to baby, namely transmission through the placenta during pregnancy, fluid contamination organ of femininity to the baby when the process of birth, or through breast feeding post-birth. Whereas the transmission of HIV/Aids from mother to her baby can be prevented if the mother has known that he contracted the HIV virus so that the development of the virus can be suppressed. The emphasis of development of this virus is usually carried out by administering therapy ARV (Anti Retroviruses) intensively to mother. Administering ARVS precisely and intensively may lower the risk of HIV transmission from mother to baby can even reach 0%.

Some Symptoms Of HIV In Women
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus the causes Aids disease. So HIV and Aids are two interrelated things. The term is usually used to mention HIV sufferers in the initial phase, while Aids is usually used to refer to sufferers who are already at an advanced phase with a variety of complications. Both men and women at risk for contracting HIV. For symptoms of HIV in women who must beware of, among others, are as follows:

Reproductive health disorders
HIV symptoms in women can be characterized by the presence of disorder health on reproductive organs. The disorder is usually in the form of hormone disorders cause abnormal menstrual cycles. Indeed not all women who have abnormal menstrual silkus then is said to be suffering from HIV. Of course not the case. Things to watch out for is when a woman is experiencing during this menstrual cycle normal cycle but suddenly become garbled when she's not being pregnant or taking medication. In addition to the disruption of menstruation, a woman infected with HIV are also infected susceptible microorganisms in the reproductive tract, i.e. most often HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) which is a cause of cervical cancer.

Suffering from a sexually transmitted disease
Symptoms of HIV in women is often accompanied with a sexually transmitted disease. Moreover, the organ of femininity is a very sensitive organ in which it is easy to become infected with germs, germs obtained a result of sexual intercourse. These diseases are commonly found on women's HIV, among others, i.e., candidiasis, ulcer mole, chlamydia, trikonomiasis, skabies, syphilis, herpes genitalis, akuminala kondiloma, and the gonorrhoe.

Disorders of the skin
Disorders of the skin is also one of the symptoms of HIV in women who are usually marked with a meunculnya rash or sores all over the body in a small hard-cured. The skin is also vulnerable to experiencing a variety of disorders such as incidence of herpes, chickenpox, smallpox, the flame cracks on the outer skin tissue, tissue or infection of the hair. Part of the nail also may experience the disorder, namely its shape becomes more curved and thickened nail color and turns into bluish or blackish.

Article about symptoms of HIV in women continues to the next page.

Disorders of the digestive system
Symptoms of HIV in women is often indicated by the presence of disorders of the digestive system. This interference biasnya be the occurrence of diarrhea lasting chronic or hard to heal. With this condition the body its very risky experience severe nutritional deficiencies. HIV can also be characterized by the appearance of canker sores in many places and difficult to heal. This is caused due to decreased immune because of the HIV virus.

Weight loss
Someone who is infected with the HIV virus usually show symptoms of weight loss. Weight loss in people with HIV occur very significant, amounting to about 10% of his body weight and will continue to decline due to the increased severity of travel sickness. So if it is getting worse, the body of HIV looks skinny dry.

Easily infected with diseases
Symptoms of HIV in women the next one that is easily infected with the disease. As we know, that HIV attacks the defense systems of the human body. The body's defense system so that if someone is already paralyzed then it will be easy once stricken and contracting various diseases. This is precisely the harm to HIV, because an awful lot of infection disease which he lodged in his body so that an increasingly severe complications. A disease that is easily transmitted to HIV, such as tuberculosis, urinary tract infection, influenza, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, meningitis, etc.
Disorders of the digestive system
Symptoms of HIV in women is often indicated by the presence of disorders of the digestive system. This interference biasnya be the occurrence of diarrhea lasting chronic or hard to heal. With this condition the body its very risky experience severe nutritional deficiencies. HIV can also be characterized by the appearance of canker sores in many places and difficult to heal. This is caused due to decreased immune because of the HIV virus.

Weight loss
Someone who is infected with the HIV virus usually show symptoms of weight loss. Weight loss in people with HIV occur very significant, amounting to about 10% of his body weight and will continue to decline due to the increased severity of travel sickness. So if it is getting worse, the body of HIV looks skinny dry.

Easily infected with diseases
Symptoms of HIV in women the next one that is easily infected with the disease. As we know, that HIV attacks the defense systems of the human body. The body's defense system so that if someone is already paralyzed then it will be easy once stricken and contracting various diseases. This is precisely the harm to HIV, because an awful lot of infection disease which he lodged in his body so that an increasingly severe complications. A disease that is easily transmitted to HIV, such as tuberculosis, urinary tract infection, influenza, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, meningitis, etc.

Swollen lymph nodes
Swollen lymph nodes are also the symptoms of HIV in women are caused due to the destruction of the body's defense system. The lymph nodes is transport transportation white blood cells. So if an immune disorder then manifested with the swelling of the lymph nodes. HIV infection can also trigger the occurrence of Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes).

Fever is the body's natural response is due to the influx of disease germs into the body. So is the case of HIV, where when HIV gets into the body so the body will provide a response in the form of fever. Fever here is characterized by high heat, which is usually accompanied by symptoms of headache, sore muscles and joints, fatigue, and decreased appetite.

In addition to knowing the symptoms of HIV in women as it has been presented above, a very important thing is the preventative measures to avoid HIV. Preventive measures include avoiding behavior with another couple, devoted to each of his running mate, stay away from drugs, and if do tranfusi blood make sure that blood is received free of the HIV virus with a sterile tranfusi tool. In addition it is also an important test for HIV screening/bride and young pregnant women. This is intended so that every pregnant woman pregnant women candidates or when suffering from HIV can be detected early so as to minimize the risk of transmission of HIV disease from the mother to her baby. Socialization about the dangers of HIV/Aids and ways of prevention should continue to be encouraged given the cases of this disease is on the rise and is a threat to public health both in Indonesia and in the world.

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