Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

Diet according to blood type Diet as a means of Alternative

You've probably heard the term diet according to blood type. Indeed diet is still controversial among experts nutrition and health, but until recently many people who apply and are said to be quite effective for good diet programs to lose weight or to improve your fitness . The theory about diet based on blood type was first developed by Peter d'Adamo, a naturopathic physician experts. Peter develops a theory that each blood type has different characteristics that influence was strong against the digestive system. He has an argument that every blood type Digest lectin (protein items).

According to Peter, if the content of a lectin in a food not in compliance with the elements in the blood then can cause various disorders in the body, such as trigger inflammation, metabolism is not smoothly, flatulence, trigger the onset of cancer, as well as a wide range of adverse disease. The main elements in the diet according to blood type emphasizes on 3 different types of food, that is the kind of food that are beneficial, neutral foods, and foods that should be avoided.

Useful food is nutritious food as medicine (restorative). Neutral foods is a kind of food intake for the body which can be consumed (not bad), while food should avoid food which is dipantang because it is considered are poison. In addition to regulating a variety of food menu, a diet according to blood type also suggest a variety of sports that are suitable for any blood type so that optimal fruition for creating and maintaining the health of the body.

A guide Compiled Menu Diet according to blood type
As we know, that human blood is composed of blood type A, B, AB, and o. based on diet according to blood type settings, each blood type has different elements so as to require a different intake in terms of food consumed. Food menus for more details for each blood type is as follows:

Blood type A
Diet according to blood type A, is essentially focuses on a diet who consume less meat (low-fat) or can be said to be better suited to being a vegetarian. But there are some types of animal protein can be consumed primarily from certain types of fish. Food menu which is beneficial for blood type A, among others, namely carrots, broccoli, tofu, tempeh, peanuts, spinach, beans, rice flour, olive oil, pineapple, mango, banana, lemon, lime, soy milk, goldfish, and sardines.

Neutral foods include whole grain breads, beans peas, corn, pumpkin, sesame seeds, taro, grapes, cucumbers, cantaloupe, pears, pomegranates, strawberries, persimmons, guavas, tapioca flour, tuna, quail eggs, and chicken eggs.

Foods that should be avoided, namely octopuses, crabs, squid, prawns, cow's milk, butter, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, goose, rabbit, Buffalo, lamb, lobster, eel, frogs, cheese, butter, ice cream, carbonated drinks and. Sports suitable for blood type A that is gentle exercise that is calming, like golf, yoga, Tai Chi, bowling and casual way.

Blood type B
Diet according to blood type B a greater emphasis on consumption of green vegetables mixed with animal products (except poultry). Foods that are beneficial to blood type B, among others, i.e. spinach, kangkung, cassava leaves, leaves of sauropus androgynus, mustard greens, papaya, broccoli, green tea, eggplant, cauliflower, carrots, yams, rice, beef, goat, rabbit, lamb, cow's milk, cheese, and sea fish. Neutral foods among others, i.e. oranges, pears, beans, string beans, guava, chicken egg, mango, melon, guava, dates, cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, butter, and fresh water fish.While the foods that should be avoided, namely meat ducks, chickens, geese, grouse, duck egg, pork, quail egg, goose egg, eel, frogs, Octopus, crab, lobster, clams, snails, slugs, persimmon, peanuts, food bersantan, and ice cream. Sports suitable for blood type B that is medium-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, climbing, gymnastics, and tennis.

Blood type AB
Diet according to blood type AB, it is recommended to consume more food that came from the Sea (seafood) and animal milk. Foods that are beneficial to blood type AB, among others, i.e., sardines, tuna, squid, scallops, salmon, dairy cow, dairy goats, rabbits, turkeys, meat and green tea. Neutral foods include fresh water fish, beans, red beans, rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, oranges, dates, pears, mangoes, cheese, butter, and eggs.

Foods that should be avoided, namely carbonated drinks, coffee, coconut, beef, Buffalo, horses, ducks, geese, eskrim, and munuman alcohol. Sports suitable for blood type AB that is a mix of medium-intensity sports at once soothing, such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, respiratory and sports.

Blood type O
Diet according to blood type O, for best food menu that is high-protein food, the food is good sourced from animal or vegetable, but low in carbohydrates. Foods that are beneficial to blood type O, among others, i.e. beef, Buffalo, fish, beans, peas, lettuce, broccoli, Kai-, seaweed, pumpkin, blueberi, and guava. Neutral foods among others, namely eggplants, tomatoes, chicken, duck, Turkey, egg, eel, lobster, rice flour, wheat flour, and beans.

Foods that should be avoided on the blood type diet O i.e. the coconut oil, corn, mushrooms, cantaloupe, eskrim, cheese, peanuts, coffee, alcoholic beverages, mandarin orange, melon, potato, cucumber and yogurt. Sports suitable for blood type O i.e. sports that put forward the power, such as Sprint, soccer, swimming, sepak takraw, volleyball, badminton, martial arts, and lifting weights.

It should be noted that in carrying out the blood type diet according to IE must be careful for those of you who have a specific disease. If you have a disease such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disorders, heart disease, etc. then we recommend that you consult Your physician first. For in this blood type diet is indeed still present among other weaknesses, namely about still lack the underlying as well as medical research has yet to consider the condition of the body in particular.

Things to be important note here is that if you go on a diet of any kind should pay attention to Your health conditions and pay attention to the intake of essential nutrients required by the body. Where every human need carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water in sufficient amount. For those of you who have excess weight then should limit consumption of fats and carbohydrates in order to establish an ideal body and healthier. In addition to this sport is crucial because it can be done to train the muscles, improves the durability of the body, and blood circulation. Choose a sport that suits your abilities and do it on a regular basis to get optimal results.

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