Cholesterol problem is closely related to the food we eat everyday, therefore you need to know what are the types of cholesterol-lowering food. The food you eat everyday have two blades, one side has its benefits for health but on the other hand can harm health if not selected quickly. -Also with cholesterol, where the problem is often caused by the wrong diet. Diet wrong here it means too much to consume foods that contain lots of fat. In addition it is coupled with a lack of physical activity or exercise, make the nasty fat settles in the blood vessels being plak.
Heap high cholesterol due to plaque in the blood can lead to a very dangerous disease, such as hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. In the modern era of high cholesterol problems currently experienced by the people of Indonesia a lot. Not only people who are already elderly can experience high cholesterol, but the young people had a lot of experience it due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The levels of total cholesterol in the blood normally is less than 200 mg/dL. If the amount of cholesterol exceeds normal then person usually will experience signs or symptoms such as frequent headaches, sore or stiff neck, easily tired, legs often tingling, and heart palpitations.
Cholesterol-lowering food choices that you need to Consume Regularly
Food is often associated with the cause of high cholesterol. But certain types of foods thus has the opposite effect, i.e.-lowering cholesterol medications can. Therefore if you have high cholesterol levels in the blood, then it is advisable to consume the food below cholesterol-lowering drugs as naturally. Cholesterol-lowering food that you can choose among others as follows:
Wheat or wheat porridge (oatmeal) good cholesterol-lowering foods as consumed. These foods are rich in soluble fiber that acts to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood stream so as to prevent buildup. We might not have been so accustomed to consuming grain, but this food can be used as an alternative staple food that nourish and maintain the ideal body weight.
Red rice
Brown rice is a type of cholesterol-lowering foods because it contains a substance called manacolin k. based on research, these substances can act like a ternnyata anti cholesterol. So by consuming red rice automatically lowers the cholesterol levels in the blood. Brown rice you can make alternative staple food as a substitute for white rice. Because in addition to lowering cholesterol, brown rice contains complex carbohydrates and many contain fiber so it is very effective for weight loss.
The consumption of nuts can also be used as a way to lower cholesterol naturally. Types of nuts that can be effective for lowering cholesterol, namely almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts and long beans. The nuts contain fatty acids and vegetable included in foods that contain lots of vitamin E, which can dissolve the bad cholesterol. But to remember is a mixed Note added in the legumes, such as sugar, salt, or oil for in. Because this mixture often thus causes high cholesterol.
Fruit and olive oil
Olives as well as petrol products in the form of olive oil is also a food-lowering cholesterol because it contains compounds of hydroxytyrosol are effective for lowering cholesterol. In addition, fruit or olive oil also contain unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E can increase the good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein/HDL) and lowering bad cholesterol (Low-density Lipoprotein/LDL)
Fish oil
Cholesterol-lowering foods the next fish oil. Fish contain oil useful for lowering cholesterol. Substances contained in fish oil, among others, omega 3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA. A very good type of fish consumed to control cholesterol i.e., salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout, and mackerel. Consume these types of fish can also lower the risk of blood clotting, stabilize blood pressure, and lower the risk of sudden death due to cardiac and stroke.
Lemon is a fruit that contain lots of vitamin C, antioxidants, and contains a compound that plays a role in reducing substance apo-B. APO-B are substances that contribute to elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood. Consuming lemons regularly can also keep your weight in order to stay slim.
The wine is fruit-lowering cholesterol because it contains catechin substances which act to reduce bad cholesterol. In addition, the grapes also have a flavanoid compounds that prevent damage to the cells of the body due to free radicals and prevent blood clotting.
Avocado fruit actually contains fat, but fat in avocados is good fats (unsaturated fats) that serves to the body. Avocado fruit is also a food-lowering cholesterol because it contains good fatty acids called oleic acid, which acts to increase good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol. In addition, the fruit of the avocado also contains a substance called beta-sitosterol which is a kind of vegetable fats that are contributing to lower cholesterol.
An Apple is a fruit because it contains cholesterol-lowering substance beta glucan which act to control the cholesterol levels in the blood. Apples also contain soluble fiber which also serves to reduce bad cholesterol. Apples can be made known as vinegar or vinegar is often used as a natural remedy to cure a variety of diseases such as diabetes/diabetes mellitus, hypertension, including lower LDL cholesterol.
In addition to the cholesterol-lowering food consume as already mentioned above, things that are very important in keeping cholesterol levels in the blood is by applying the pattern of healthy living. The pattern of life which meant among other things by doing physical activity/exercise regularly. In today's modern times, density of routine work and existence means that all-round practical, making people so reluctant to do sports. But with the sport on a regular basis will make our body always healthy, blood flow smoothly, and can lower the bad cholesterol in the body.
Other than that things are no less important, namely by reducing food consumption play a role in raising cholesterol levels in the blood. The type of food that must be reduced, namely fried foods, food bersantan, arranged, leather, food and drinks that contain lots of sugar, and various types of fast food/junkfood. Bad habits such as smoking and often drinking alcoholic beverages can also cause a rise in cholesterol levels, therefore avoid these habits. You should also keep the mind in order to be always quiet and comfortable to avoid stress, because stress or depression risk was also one of the causes of high cholesterol. If you are experiencing symptoms of high cholesterol, you should consult a doctor to make sure Your health conditions and get medical therapy if needed.
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