We definitely prefer using various plants and herbs as medicine for traditional for adult cough compared to using other drugs, such as the type of some traditional medicines which we will discuss below, which is a spice rampah original and many found in Indonesia.
Who have never had a cough? We all certainly never had one complaint it throughout our lives. Coughing is one of the many responses given by our body, if there is a foreign object that goes mainly into the respiratory tract. Generally perceived complaints are divided into two types, namely, dry cough and cough phlegm so. For it in this article we will discuss some of the herbal ingredients that are used as cough phlegm so traditional and traditional dry cough remedies.
List of traditional plants and herbs cough medicine for adults
As already explained above, the cough is one of the mechanisms of defence conducted by our body. The cough is not a disease but rather a complaint from a disease. Like the example in inflammatory disease of the lungs, the patient will complain of coughing phlegm so complaints, because the production of phlegm that is formed in the airway. See reviews below that will discuss traditional cough medicine for adults should be all that we can in the House.
Ginger is one cough phlegm so famous in Asian countries. A sense of warmth given each of us consume ginger makes it easy for us to take out the phlegm that comes from the lungs and the respiratory tract. Besides the warm flavor also can reduce itchiness that can trigger the onset of cough in patients with dry cough.
You could try making ginger tea with how to prepare your ginger 3 pieces of medium size, which had been washed clean and cut. Then input into 4 cups of water and then boiled, you can also add the peppermint leaves to taste. This mixture is boiled until the fluid for the remaining half.
Wait for the liquid to warm it, then you can compile by adding honey to taste sweet. Drink this concoction of ginger tea twice a day to help with removing phlegm and relieves the itching in the throat.
The next traditional cough medicine is honey. One study conducted by Penn State College of Medicine found that honey has the effect that can help relieve coughing. By consuming honey, pain in the throat will be reduced because honey has a viscosity enough to coat and soothe the mucous lining of the throat are inflamed.
In addition the content of certain enzymes that are owned by the honey gives the anti bacterial effects can hasten the healing process if you have a bacterial infection. You simply consume 1 tablespoon honey as much as 1 to 3 times a day to reduce pain or itchiness in the throat.
The fruit of this one is also one of the traditional cough medicine for adults. Protein extracts content of bromelain i.e. generated by a pineapple fruit (Ananas comosus) play a role in relieving coughs.
Bromelain this can relieve a cough because it can suppress the cough Center and also reduce the production of phlegm in the throat. In addition the content of Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory effects that will speed up the healing process. You simply consume this fruit to taste 1 times a day.
Kitchen materials this one also turns out to have the ability to relieve coughs, especially for black pepper. Black pepper known to reduce cough with phlegm and also a sense of tightness in your chest. But it must be precise, of processing if you do not want to sneezing because inhaling the aroma of the ingredients of this one.
To relieve cough phlegm so, use black pepper that was already beaten. This pepper powder you can make into a tea that you can consume 1 to 2 times per day. Do I take 1 teaspoon pepper powder and put in 1 cup hot water. Then mix well and to add the sweet taste also anti bacterial effects you can add 1 tablespoon of honey into tea.
In addition to the materials above, there is also a lime which can relieve throat and help removing the phlegm. As traditional cough medicine for adult lemon can be easily consumed, i.e. simply combine 1 tablespoon lemon juice with soy sauce and drink 2 times a day.
In addition, you could try a mixture of lemon and honey can also help relieve coughing. Simply combine 3 tablespoons lemon juice with 3 tablespoons pure honey and 5 spoons of hot water. Mix well and can you consume this mixture twice a day.
Thyme leaves
The next ingredient is indeed not an original material Indonesia, but has been marketed in our country. This leaf came from Egypt are small and oval-shaped with a hard shaft. The leaves have been used since ancient Greece as a medicine by the person. As a cough reliever, leaf has anti-bacterial effects and also give a sense of relief in the throat.
Puree a handful of thyme leaves and mix with 1 half a glass of hot water and stir for 10 to 15 minutes. You can add 1 tablespoon lemon juice or honey to taste on this herb. Drink this concoction 2 to 3 times a day, especially before bed.
Consumption of warm water
The last way is no less important and this is warm water consumption you can do anywhere and very practical. By drinking warm water that many can give you a sense of relief and also helps excrete sputum that is stubborn.
How all readers? Easy isn't it? After learning of herbal plants as cough medicine traditional to adult can relieve a cough like above, you can try it out at home for reducing complaints and also speeds up the healing process.
In addition to dry cough and phlegm so, cough can also be followed by a discharge of blood and occur in a prolonged period of time. For that you need to recognize the type of cough that you suffered, complaints of cough that lasts a long time (more than 3 weeks) and are accompanied by blood, a sign of an illness that has been growing in your lungs in the long for a long time.
The type of cough that this one is noteworthy because it requires special handling by health workers, namely in the form of examination of sputum, chest photograph and also certain treatments. For it if after using herbal therapies over and cough that you suffer failed to recover, immediately checking yourself to your doctor. Hope this article is useful for all of us!
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