Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018

Types of children's toys 1 year which is great for Development

Choose the type of children's toys 1 year that is right it certainly did not escape from the responsibility as a parent. This is caused by the age of 1 year-old children really like the various forms of the game and not just that this kind of age of a child is in need of stimulus from the outside to help the development of motor skills and sensoriknya.

At the age of 1 year and a child have been very active in getting to know the stuff around it. By providing or accompany the fruit of careful playing with the right type of game, we can optimize the physical or mental development well. For that let us together follow the reviews on various types of toys are good for child development 1 year and also any foods that could serve to improve maternal health and physical development of the child. Happy reading!

The choice of the type of children's toys 1 year supporting its development
The type of game it takes children aged 1 year in order to increase the stimulus for its development is not the type of game that are difficult and hard to find. A lot of this type of game is very close to our environment and it has been very often we hear everyday.

Peek ba!
"Peek ba .." for the people of Indonesia are certainly no stranger to this type of game. Peek ba itself is a type of game where parents or adults trying to attract the attention of a boy, manner of closing her face with both hands and when the attention of the children already focused on us then we will get rid of the hands from his face and startle the children.

This proved to be very powerful in attracting the attention of a child. Types of children's toys 1 year this is very easy to do, doesn't require specific skills and the cost to do so. The game peek ba is capable of stimulating the development of the fruit of the heart especially in recognizing members of his family. In addition we also stimulate a child's ability to react to the sound as well as our actions.

Playing music
You need not be surprised by the kind of toys this year, playing music does not mean the fruit of the heart are taught to hold the instrument let alone play it. Play music here means you together with children to sing and dance with the music that came from the music player.

You can buy the CD or DVD that contains music and singing children who it feels have already sold over the counter. By playing the song or music the kids, you can accompany the fruit of the heart to mimic her movements from television or benyanyi pronounciation though it may follow suit the child is still not perfect.

Playing music is very good for children aged 1 year due to the age, kids have a tendency to imitate the sounds he heard everyday and have been able to mention two to three syllables even though it has no special meaning. In addition to enhancing child development 1 year with optimal play music while impersonating a certain movement can teach self-confidence on the fruit of the heart.

Play while you exercise
Children at the age of 1 year is very fond of the situation and also activities undertaken outside the home such as on the home page. This is due to the curiosity of a child at this age is very high against the new things around him. This curiosity also lead a child age 1 year are very often seen reaching out to grab objects around them.

This article continues on page 2.

For it as a parent activity outside the home requires extra scrutiny but not limit the motion of the child. A selection of children's toys 1 year you can consider, among others, play ball together on the page, this can be in addition to the coordination of development can help members of the motion of the children will also be taught how to compete in a game.

Mari's coloring!
Type of game this one is also very easy to do by your child. You simply set up the white paper and also the crayon color and put it on the table while letting the fruit of the heart start coloring though was going to do is simply write off the paper.

At the age of 1 year a child was already able to grip the pencil or crayons and very happy free new stuff that he received. By giving the crayons and paper for drawing, you can introduce the multicolored crayons and also get to know a variety of stationery.

Toy car or toy train
Children's toys 1 next year which could be tested by parents is a game of toy cars or trains that require an active movement of the legs of the child for moving it. This game can be guided by parents, by the use of some terms such as "the way", "stop", "turn" and others that would add to the vocabulary in the memory of the fruit of the heart.

Animal-themed toys and letters
These toys can be played while sitting and while learning as well as can be done with the old because the movement does not need so much. Children can be trained to learn given the different kinds of animals and also the letter through these toys. The role of parents in children's play accompanies is important, it is given in the play activities with the fruit of the heart also forms bonds of emotions among parents and children.

Choose the type of food for Children 1 year.
After we discuss about the different stages of child development 1 year and also the type of game that is right for them, then as a sprightly old man we need to know what kind of food choices that are also good for growing the flower and the fruit of the heart. At the age of 1 year is you can already teach the child to consume your own food loh!

Nutritious food is urgently needed by the children at the age of 1 year, because their brain development is in the phase of productive. It is important for the mother to provide the food source of protein and high in omega 3 also like sea fish, salmon, and shrimp. In addition the mother will also need to add the vegetables in their meal while it may be somewhat difficult for the fruit of the heart to receive it.

And last not least important is the source of carbohydrates such as rice or bread. The third source of energy in any dish above, child age 1 year protein is a very important source of energy for serving. I can mengkreasikan the processing of various types of food with nutrient content for proper consumption of the fruit of the heart each day.

After reading the above article's mother not to worry with many game options is recommended, what matters here is actually the mother has time to accompany their play and accompany him in every phase of the growing important role. So an article about the types of toys children 1 year and also a selection of foods that are suitable for this age, hopefully useful!

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